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Success : A Numbers Game

Updated: May 29

I sat staring at my computer screen, waiting for a groundbreaking blog idea to find me... because that's how success works, right? You need to sit around and wait for that one thing that will get the ball rolling. I waited and waited until I realized that's not how things work, and if you believed me, you are just as foolish (sorry).

Frustrated girl in front of laptop

We, as supposed intelligent evolved beings, still have a lot of detrimental biases present within our psyche, like the naturalness bias. The naturalness bias causes us to think that success comes to those who have innate gifts or natural talent. They were blessed by the gods, and it was their destiny.

This bias is also linked to the human tendency of loving oversimplified explanations. I mean, come on, why would I care about how many times Walt Disney went through trial and error, looked foolish, or just downright failed? Or how Maya Angelou grew up extremely poor, was sexually abused and left mute for five years, and yet today she is celebrated as one of the most influential voices in literature and civil rights.

We don't want that. We want the movie montage success, and the secret to getting that is... drum roll .......watching a movie. But for those who prefer waking up, let's take a look at these stats:

Dreaming about being rocky

Stephen King

Produced Works: Over 60 novels and around 200 short stories.

Best-Selling/Highly Acclaimed Works: Roughly 10-15 novels considered major bestsellers

and critically acclaimed.

Success Rate: 5-7%.


Produced Works: Over 150 songs released as a solo artist and involved in the creation of over 200 songs, including those released both as a solo artist and as part of Destiny's Child.

Best-Selling/Highly Acclaimed Works: Roughly 20-25 songs considered major hits.

Success Rate: 10-12%.

Albert Einstein

Produced Works: Over 300 scientific papers and numerous groundbreaking theories.

Best-Selling/Highly Acclaimed Works: Roughly 10-15 theories considered major

breakthroughs in physics, including the theory of relativity and the photoelectric effect.

Success Rate: 3-5%.

Pullela Gopichand

Produced Works: Participated in over 150 international badminton tournaments.

Best-Selling/Highly Acclaimed Works: Won the All England Open Badminton

Championships in 2001, considered a major achievement in badminton.

Success Rate: 0.7-0.8%.

My point? They weren't a success 90 % of the times or even 50 % of the times . So keep working on whatever it is that you want because when you do, time becomes your ally.

You cant throw in the towel after doing it a "few" times you have to keep doing it . Eventually you get a "feel" for it, an intuitive knowledge that can't be explained.

Action + momentum frees up all the energy you held in as motivation and inspiration because success is a numbers game and you just need to be patient for your lucky number .

When an increased amount of effort is put in, it increases your chances of entering the flow state.

For those of you who are not aware, the flow state, also known as being "in the zone," is a mental state characterized by complete absorption and focus in an activity.

The flow state occurs when individuals are fully immersed in a task, feeling energized, focused, and deeply involved in what they are doing. It makes the task at hand feel effortless . So more effort in the beginning equals to eventual low effort for the rest of the process.

Ed Sheeran talked about being terrible in the very beginning when he wasn't famous. He compared his progress to opening a tap long enough to let the muddy water out in order to get the clean water, AKA the good stuff.

You have got to keep the tap open long enough, and have grit, because,

"It is not the 100 blows of the hammer that cracks the stone, but the 101st that splits it in two."


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