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Productivity Hacks and Tools If You Are Not An Early Riser

Updated: May 8

While early birds like Michelle Obama and Tim Cook may thrive on the pre-dawn hustle, IMAGINE entertainment moguls like George Clooney or musicians like Lady Gaga, who famously burn the midnight oil. If you're more aligned with these nocturnal luminaries then you are not alone and here are productivity hacks and tools if you are not an early riser.

A sleepy brown Chihuahua and energetic white Chihuahua

Almost all of us have seen this meme so if the brown one is you this blog is for you .

Outsource decision making - The Night Before

Mornings are not the time to engage in a battle of willpower over what to wear or what to eat for breakfast. Save your precious mental energy for more important tasks by prepping the night before. For non-morning people, mornings may be characterized by grogginess, reduced alertness, and higher levels of stress due to early decision-making demands. By making decisions the night before, non-morning people can minimize morning stress and optimize their cognitive resources for tasks that align with their chronotype preferences. Lay out your outfit, pack your lunch, and decide on your breakfast menu ahead of time. Your bleary-eyed self will thank you later.

Embrace the Natural Light and Semi Natural Light

Natural sunlight helps synchronize our circadian rhythms, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Make it a habit to expose yourself to natural sunlight upon waking. This simple practice helps synchronize your internal clock with the external environment, regulating hormone production for optimal wakefulness. Scientifically, morning sunlight exposure suppresses melatonin levels while boosting serotonin and dopamine, leading to improved mood, cognitive function, and motivation. Additionally, ample sunlight during the morning has been linked to better sleep quality, contributing to overall well-being and productivity throughout the day.

Sunlight lamps
Best selling Sunlight lamps

If natural light is limited, enhance your morning routine by investing in both daylight lamps and dawn wake-up simulators. Daylight lamps provide consistent exposure to beneficial light wavelengths, supplementing natural sunlight to regulate your circadian rhythm and elevate mood.

Dawn simulator
Try the gentle dawn simulator

Meanwhile, dawn wake-up simulators mimic the gradual onset of dawn, gently coaxing your body out of sleep and minimizing abrupt awakenings. By synchronizing your waking experience with the natural rhythm of the sun, this combined approach promotes better sleep quality, daytime alertness, and overall well-being, ensuring a seamless and refreshing start to each day.

Sleepyhead Smart Alarm

 Upgrade your alarm clock to a smart device that uses sleep tracking technology to wake you up at the optimal point in your sleep cycle.

By monitoring your sleep patterns and detecting periods of light sleep, these devices can awaken you during a phase of natural awakening, minimizing sleep inertia and grogginess upon waking.

Wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to tackle the day with clarity and vigor. [ currently unavailable on major online retailers i.e. amazon and flipkart ]

Check out aroma therapy diffuser

Introduce aromatherapy into your morning routine to awaken your senses and promote alertness. Choose invigorating essential oils like peppermint, rosemary, or citrus, and diffuse them in your bedroom upon waking. The stimulating scents can help clear mental fog, boost mood, and energize your body, making it easier to transition from sleep to wakefulness.

Aromatherapy benefits-

  1. Boosts Energy and Alertness

  2. Enhances Mood

  3. Improves Mental Clarity

  4. Reduces Morning Fatigue

  5. Creates Morning Rituals

Start your day on a fragrant and refreshing note, ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.



Red  coloured muesli package

Embrace chrono-nutrition by aligning your meal timing with your body's natural circadian rhythm. Research suggests that consuming a protein-rich breakfast within an hour of waking can enhance alertness and cognitive function throughout the day.

Some more benefits of chrono Nutrition are

Balanced Hormones: Chrono nutrition aims to support hormonal balance by timing meals to coincide with natural fluctuations in hormone levels.

Reduced Risk of Metabolic Disorders: Chrono nutrition may help reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease by optimizing nutrient intake and promoting overall health.

Increased Energy Levels: Consuming nutrient-rich meals during the times when your body is naturally more active can help sustain energy levels throughout the day, leading to improved focus, productivity, and physical performance.

By fueling your body with the right nutrients at the right time, you can optimize energy levels and productivity, even as a non-morning person. Some effective breakfast options are Yogurt , Muesli and the famous RiteBite protein bar.

Boost Your Morning Routine with a Shower Speaker

Tribit shower speaker
Check out top selling shower speaker

Science backs up the idea that music can influence our mood and energy levels. Research shows that listening to music can stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation.

Certain types of music, such as classical or ambient music, have been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Starting your day with calming music can help you feel more centered and prepared to face the day's challenges .

By starting your day with uplifting tunes, you can kickstart your brain's reward system and feel more alert and ready to take on the day. So, why not add a shower speaker to your morning routine and turn your bathroom into your own personal concert venue?

Dump the junk

Resist the temptation to kickstart your day with mindless scrolling through social media, diving into a flood of emails, or reaching for unhealthy food options. Instead, dedicate the initial moments of your morning to activities that nourish your mind and body.

Engage in a brief mindfulness practice, set intentions for the day, or enjoy a nutritious breakfast that fuels your energy levels. By avoiding the distractions of digital clutter and unhealthy food choices, you can establish a focused and positive tone for the rest of your day, enhancing productivity and well-being.

Here's to embracing the darkness and finding brilliance in the night sky. Keep shining, fellow night owls – until the break of dawn finds us, or until we hit snooze one more time. Stay unapologetically nocturnal.

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