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How To Stay Motivated :The Locus Rule

We've all been there—those days when motivation seems to vanish into thin air, leaving us feeling stuck and unproductive. Whether it's the struggle to get through a challenging project at work, the frustration of trying to maintain a new habit, or the disappointment of not seeing immediate results from our efforts, staying motivated can often feel like an uphill battle.

How to stay motivated the locus rule

If you've ever found yourself questioning your drive and determination, you're not alone. In fact, a fascinating study at Columbia University by Professor Claudia M. Mueller offers some profound insights into what truly fuels our motivation and how we can harness it to achieve our goals.

The Experiment

Kids solving puzzles

In the study, a large group of fifth graders tackled challenging puzzles on their own. Despite their varying performances, each child was told they did exceptionally well, outperforming most others.

Here’s where the twist comes in: half of the students were praised for their hard work, while the other half were told they succeeded because they were smart.

The Surprising Results

The results were telling. The "smart" kids gravitated towards the easy puzzles, spending minimal time on the hardest ones. Their overall time spent on puzzles decreased, and they reported finding the experiment less enjoyable.

In contrast, the "hard-working" kids tackled the challenging puzzles with gusto, spending more time on all the puzzles and enjoying the experience more.

Understanding Locus of Control

locus of control

This study highlights a crucial concept in psychology: locus of control. Those praised for their intelligence developed an external locus of control, believing their success was due to innate traits beyond their control.

On the flip side, those commended for their hard work developed an internal locus of control, attributing their success to their efforts—something they could control and improve.

Adopting an Internal Locus of Control

So, how do you shift towards an internal locus of control? Start by solving problems in your life and recognizing your role in those solutions. For instance, if you struggle with sleep, research and implement solutions like increasing morning sunlight, using your bed solely for sleep, and installing a blue light filter on your phone. When your sleep improves, acknowledge that your actions made the difference.

Building Motivation

destiny quotes

Believing in your ability to control your destiny is key to staying motivated. Each time you overcome a challenge through your efforts, you strengthen this belief, fueling your motivation.

By recognizing your role in your successes, you can maintain high levels of motivation and resilience, even when faced with difficulties.

In a nutshell embrace the power of hard work and take control of your life. Whether it's tackling a tough puzzle or facing daily challenges, believing in your effort's impact will keep you motivated and engaged.

The key to staying driven lies in recognizing that you hold the reins to your success. By fostering an internal locus of control, you'll find yourself more motivated and better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.


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