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How to Be More Organized: The Everyday Human’s Guide to Sortin’ Stuff Out

Let’s face it, most of us aren't naturally organized. Life is a chaotic dance of lost keys, misplaced socks, and the eternal struggle to find that one pen that actually works. But don’t worry, friend. Here’s a guide to turning your mess into, well, a slightly more manageable mess.

Step 1: Decluttering – Or as We Call It, “Shoving Things into Boxes”

Start with the classic “throw out anything you haven't used in a year.” Easier said than done, right? You'll find yourself clutching a tangle of old phone chargers thinking, "But what if I need these someday?"

Three boes - keep , donate and why on earth do i still have this

Here’s the trick: create three piles – keep, donate, and “why on Earth do I still have this?” Make it a game. Set a timer and see how much you can sort in 10 minutes. When the timer goes off, reward yourself with a snack. You deserve it for parting with that free T-shirt from 2012.

Step 2: The Calendar – Your New BFF

Calendars aren't just for your grandparents. Get one. Paper, digital, doesn’t matter. The point is to use it.

Got a dentist appointment next month? Put it in the calendar. Friend’s birthday? Calendar. The day you plan to finally start that new hobby? Yep, calendar. And here’s the pro move: set reminders. Not just one, but multiple. Because we both know you’ll ignore the first one.

Grab this Aesthetic calendar off amazon , get it here

Step 3: Papers, Papers Everywhere

Paperwork is like Gremlins – it multiplies when you’re not looking. Create a simple filing system: important stuff, less important stuff, and stuff you can probably ignore but feel too guilty to throw away.

Remember those labels your mom used to use? Channel her spirit. Label everything. It’s oddly satisfying and makes you look like you’ve got your life together, even if you don’t.

labels for different things

Step 4: Digital Decluttering – Ctrl + Alt + Delete Your Chaos

Your computer is a digital landfill. Time to clean it up. Start with your desktop. No, you don’t need 47 screenshots of your cat. Delete the junk, organize the rest into folders, and make your wallpaper something Zen.

zen stones

Emails next. That 5,000 unread emails badge? Time to tackle it. Unsubscribe from newsletters you never read (sorry, Bed Bath & Beyond), and create folders for the important stuff. Aim for “Inbox Zero” but settle for “Inbox Less Stressful.”

Step 5: The Magical To-Do List

to do list

A to-do list isn’t just for the Type-A personalities. It’s for all of us who forget things like buying milk or calling Grandma. Keep it simple. No need for a fancy app – a piece of paper works just fine.

Write down what you need to do each day. Break big tasks into smaller, manageable ones. And here’s the secret sauce: cross things off when you’re done. It’s like a tiny celebration each time.

Step 6: Daily Habits – Small Steps to Keep the Chaos at Bay

Make your bed every morning. It sounds trivial, but it sets the tone. Plus, it means you’ve accomplished something before you’ve even had coffee.

make your bed

Tidy up for 10 minutes each day. Set a timer and pick up the clutter. It’s amazing what a difference it makes. And if all else fails, invite someone over. The sheer panic of having to clean for guests is a powerful motivator.

Bonus: Embrace the Madness

Organization doesn’t mean perfection. It’s about making your life a little easier, not turning into a Stepford human. Allow yourself some mess – it adds character and keeps you humble.

yoga magic

So, start small. Use these tips to chip away at the chaos, one snack-fueled decluttering session at a time. You’ve got this. And remember, in the grand scheme of things, a little mess never hurt anyone.


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