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Existence : A Creative Dance ?

Updated: May 8

As a kid, I was baffled by the mysterious workings of parental love. I mean, let's face it, kids at times can be like little tornadoes of chaos, capable of wreaking havoc wherever they go. Yet, despite the possibility of their offspring turning into the next evil genius plotting world domination, parents still love them unconditionally.

Following this train of thought i asked myself why? and almost sporadically remembered all those times i felt like i conquered the world after writing an essay , story or any form of creative expression.

Steve jobs described his journey with Apple as " It's like when you raise a child. You can't say, 'How much will I love my child?' or 'How much commitment?' You just have to love and commit and take care of it every day, even when the highs are really high and the lows are really low."

Keeping aside the obvious biological drive to care for kids , within every creation lies the extension of the creator's soul .

Perhaps this profound link, where creation becomes an extension of the soul, subtly influences parents to project their own aspirations onto their children. Like a sculptor shaping clay, parents mould their children's lives with love and care. There's also a twinge of fear and sadness, for they know that their masterpiece is never truly complete. Yet, there's also a sense of curiosity and wonder, akin to the anticipation of how a creative piece might be received by the world—will it be embraced or criticized?

Now the reason I chose parental love as an example to display creativity and its parallel with existence is because children , born from the boundless depths of creative potential, stand embodying the dance of existence .

The act of creating is inherent to the human experience, almost instinctive in its nature, akin to the primal urge of procreation. Just as procreation perpetuates life, creativity breathes new life into the world, shaping our reality with each inspired thought and innovative endeavor.

newspaper clipping with quote

Yet, when creativity is subdued by the world, when conformity and imitation replace originality and innovation, it becomes Like a game of Chinese whisper gone wrong, each retelling loses a bit of its sparkle until we're left with a dull echo of the original brilliance. In a society obsessed with fitting in, creativity often takes a backseat like a forgotten suitcase in a crowded bus.

In the words of George Orwell ,

'Sometimes I think that the human race is just one big joke, a cosmic giggle, and even the people who are in on it don't understand the punchline. Like sometimes I think we're all just corpses, rotting upright.'

You ( probably )

He's onto something there. Most of us are indeed stuck in a rut or maybe we are corpses rotting upright so by creating something—whether it be a work of art, a business venture, or a loving family— we shake off the cobwebs .

Creativity is as natural to us as breathing, deeply ingrained in our evolutionary heritage. Scientifically, our brains are wired for creativity, with neural networks constantly firing in novel ways to generate new ideas and solutions. It's a primal instinct, like the urge to explore or the need for connection .

You after reading this blog ( hopefully)

In the vast expanse of existence, life unfolds as a dance of creativity. The world makes its dancers stumble ....... so defy the rhythm because it becomes a tragi-comedy if everyone is dancing to the same beat .


K Vivek
K Vivek
Apr 25

Nice rambling at first sight or rather first read but found it to be quite profound


Fascinating..... I always had the same odd question you answered it in a very articulate and unique manner . Plus the images are a funny addition lol.😂

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