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Chronotype -Find yours to Work and Sleep Better

What is Chronotype ?

A persons natural inclination of when they prefer to sleep or when they are most alert or energetic.

The term chronotype was coined by the German physician , Dr Alfred J Lewy in the 1970's .

Dr Lewy conducted extensive research on circadian rhythms and Sleep patterns . His work shed light on biological factors affecting influencing individual sleep wake cycle.


Knowing your chronotype helps you understand your hormone schedule which invariably allows you to carry out activities with greater ease .

It determines when you naturally feel most alert and energetic, as well as when you're ready to hit the hay.

Essentially, it's your body's way of saying, "This is my prime time!"

1. The Lion

(15% of the Population)


The early bird gets the worm – or so they say. Lions embody this proverb, rising with the sun and tackling their most challenging tasks in the morning. However, ask them to stay up past 10 pm, and you'll witness their inner feline start to fade.


  1. Preference for schedules and lists .

  2. Tendency to feel sleepy early evening .

  3. Peak productivity during mornings.

  4. Proactive Approach .

Sleep Schedule: Lions typically wake up around 6 am and hit the bed by 10 pm. Their peak productivity hours are between 9 am and 2 pm.

2. The Bear

(55% of the Population)


Bears follow the sun, embracing the traditional 9-to-5 grind with ease. They're at their peak productivity between 10 am and 2 pm, making them the poster children for the average workday. Early mornings and standard office hours suit them just fine.

Sleep Schedule: Bears rise between 7-8 am and snooze from 10 pm to 7 am.


  1. Mid range wake up times

  2. consistent energy levels

  3. Peak productivity in the afternoon

  4. Adaptability to various schedules

3. The Wolf

(15% of the Population)


Wolves are the night owls of the chronotype world. They thrive in the darkness, finding their creative spark long after the sun has set. Mornings are a struggle for these nocturnal creatures, but come evening, they're ready to howl at the moon.

Sleep Schedule: Wolves typically wake up between 7:30-9 am and hit their stride in the late afternoon and evening.


  1. Creative Energy at night

  2. Preference for staying up late

  3. Difficulty with early schedule

  4. Enjoy solitude and silence

4. The Dolphin

(10% of the Population)


Dolphins are the quirky outliers of the chronotype spectrum. Highly intelligent but scatterbrained, they rarely enjoy a full night's sleep. Instead, they rely on naps to recharge throughout the day, tackling tasks with focus and determination whenever they can.

Sleep Schedule: Dolphins wake up between 6:30-7:30 am but struggle with maintaining a consistent sleep pattern.


  1. Sleep in Short bursts ( Segmented Sleep)

  2. Cautious and Detail Oriented

  3. Highly productive once coped with sleep deprivation

  4. Adaptable to different schedules

Potential Hybrids

Factors affecting chronotype include genetics, environmental cues ,age and lifestyle so its possible for someone to show mixed traits of two chronotypes . For example someone might have characteristics of both Wolf and Bear , feeling productive during traditional hours but also experiencing bursts of productivity late at night .

But what if your chronotype doesn't align with your circumstances?

Fear not! While changing your innate chronotype may not be possible, you can still adjust your habits.

  • Experiment with gradually shifting your sleep schedule.

  • Implement relaxation techniques before bedtime.

  • Create a conducive sleep environment.

  • Watch your Diet and Exercise

  • Limit screen exposure

It takes time to change sleep patterns so be patient and perseverant and soon enough you would be owning your time .


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