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5 Must Have Traits To Be The Modern Day Elizabeth Bennet

Updated: Jul 8

When it comes to iconic literary characters, Elizabeth Bennet from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice stands out as a timeless heroine.

Her wit, intelligence, and spirited nature have captivated readers for generations. In this article, we'll explore the top five must-have traits of Elizabeth Bennet, revealing what makes her such an enduring and beloved figure.

Sharp Wit

Elizabeth Bennet was known for her quick wit and clever banter, often leaving others in stitches with her sharp observations. Whether it's gracefully deflecting unwanted advances or engaging in playful verbal sparring, She has got an answer ready .

Darcy Dancing With Elizabeth

Remember these Mic drop Moments ?

And those are the words of a gentleman. From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry.

In response to Darcy calling her perfectly tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me , she said ......

Dancing . Even if ones partner is barely tolerable .

When Darcy said ''do you talk as a rule while dancing " , she hit him back with .....

No, i prefer to be unsociable and taciturn . Makes it all so much enjoyable , don't you think .

Independent Spirit

Elizabeth Bennet defied societal norms of her time by refusing to conform to the expectations placed upon women. She boldly pursued her own path, prioritizing personal growth and independence over societal approval.

Recall the tense scene at Long bourn when Mr. Collins proposes to Elizabeth, much to the shock of her family. Despite her mother's fervent encouragement and her father's resignation to their financial situation, Elizabeth boldly refuses Mr. Collins' offer of marriage. She firmly declares,

"You could not make me happy, and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world who could make you so."

Mr Collins Propose Elizabeth

Her independence and refusal to compromise her principles for the sake of security leave her family stunned yet she refuses to be pressurised into a wrong decision .

Open mindedness

Reflect on Elizabeth's evolving perception of Mr. Darcy throughout the novel. Despite her initial prejudices, she gradually comes to see beyond his pride and arrogance, recognizing his true character beneath the facade.

During their heated exchange at Rosing's Park, Mr. Darcy finally reveals the truth about his interference in Jane and Mr. Bingley's relationship. Rather than dismissing him outright, Elizabeth takes a moment to reassess her opinion, acknowledging the sincerity of his intentions.

Elizabeth and Darcy

Cultivate your own open-mindedness by being willing to listen, learn, and grow from new experiences and perspectives, just as Elizabeth did when she reassessed her opinion of Mr. Darcy.

High Standards

Imagine Elizabeth and Jane having a heart-to-heart conversation at Long bourn about love and marriage. As they discuss their hopes and expectations, Jane expresses her belief in the power of love to conquer all obstacles.

Sensing her sister's sincerity, Elizabeth responds with thoughtful consideration,

I am determined that only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony.

Elizabeth Bennet talking to Jane

 Her declaration reflects not only her high standards but also her refusal to settle for anything less than true love.

Follow in Elizabeth's footsteps by setting high standards for yourself and refusing to settle for anything less than genuine love and mutual respect in your relationships.

Keen Observational Skills

Recall Elizabeth Bennet's keen observational skills as she navigates the complexities of society in "Pride and Prejudice." Whether she's assessing the character of those around her or deciphering the nuances of social interactions, Elizabeth's sharp eye and astute observations set her apart.

Jane and Mr Bingley

One notable instance is when she attends the Netherfield ball and observes Mr. Bingley's attentiveness to Jane, accurately deducing his growing affection for her. Embrace your inner Elizabeth by honing your observational skills and paying attention to the details of the world around you.

Whether it's deciphering hidden motives or uncovering hidden truths, let Elizabeth's keen eye inspire you to see beyond the surface and grasp the subtleties of human behavior.


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